I have finally reached the breaking point where I know that there is nothing I want more then to be successful at what I do. This entails this thing I know called "The Gap". The Gap is the period that comes right after the time in your life when you think you had talent.
Take me for example! I used to think that I was a pretty fantastic drawer. Turns out I suck; I only have a slight inclination of drawing skill. In middle school I just enjoyed it, then in high school I found out that I was a bit better then everyone else at it. Finally I decide "Oh hey, I'm pretty awesome! I could incorporate it into my career". Once I did some actual research into the topic I found how completely unprepared I am to be able to go out into the real world and make something of myself. (By the way, I'm not in the real world yet. I'm a sophomore in college)
Then I found this quote that completely talks about my position. I suck - but with an incredible amount of relentless work (the gap), I can become decent. Maybe 10 years after that I'll actually be good. So, the purpose of this blog is to continuously motivate me to keep on drawing. Also, I want to help give information to young wannabes like myself.
Long-term, I want to be an animator at DreamWorks. So most of what I write about will be geared towards that. I know a lot of great blogs that are authored by people who work directly in DreamWorks. I will highlight them some other day. But for now I will just mention my favorite,
Rad Sechrist. He teaches you how to draw, and gives plenty of tips. I swear I've gone through his whole blog a few times by now.